Educate yourself on birth trauma with Dr Ben and Nicole Bogue

A few weeks ago we shared a post on an important topic: birth trauma and how a Chiropractor can help your newborn by giving them a gentle adjustment.

Today we will be following up on this post and we are pleased to announce that Nicole Bogue; an Early Childhood Educator, and a Cuidiú Breast Feeding Councillor Trainee in Cork,  has joined us to answer a few questions on newborn care and health.

We cannot stress enough that Chiropractic care is for all ages and that the techniques used are harmless to babies, children and adults. It’s natural, accessible and extremely effective.

Over to Nicole for a little Q + A

Being a Mam is a tough job and it’s difficult to know whether a cry is for some food or something more serious. Now, Nicole, I know that you’re not a Doctor, but in your line of business (Early Childhood Educator, and a Cuidiú Breast Feeding Councillor Trainee) you must come across a number of Mams who mention these concerns?

Yes, I come across this quite a lot.  Many expectant mothers have this concern, especially if they are going to be parents for the first time.  Usually once the baby is born, mothers instinctively can recognise what their baby’s cry means. Usually when they are hungry, need a change, or just tired.  However, in some cases when a child is crying and you do everything you can to make them comfortable and it is not working, that can indicate there are some other issues.

You’re now only a few weeks away from giving birth to your second child. Are you concerned about the possibilities of birth trauma?

As a parent about to give birth, and just like every parent who’s about to bring a new little person into this world, the thoughts of birth trauma always cross your mind.  It’s important not to research too much into birth traumas, as doing your own internet research, for example can cause more anxiety about the upcoming birth.  Speaking to your G.P. or another health care professional such as a chiropractor that specialises in birth trauma is a good idea if you feel the need talk about your concerns and to receive the appropriate answers.
If your baby was crying hysterically and you had tried everything, would you consider seeing a Chiropractor?

Most definitely!   As a Cuidiú Breastfeeding Councillor trainee, we have discussed the topic of holistic and alternative therapy and its benefits. We have often suggested to parents if a child has gone through a traumatic birth, it’s important to see someone as soon as you can so your child can settle easier and improve. This will also benefit parents, as it will reduce the stress of trying to figure out why their child finds it hard to settle or cry a lot.

As an Early Childhood Educator specifically working with new-borns and toddlers what are your top five tips for new Mammies?
1)    The most important tip that I could give would be: Try and keep your options open about breastfeeding your child.  Breastfeeding is the most normal and natural way to feed your child. Breast milk; unlike other baby milks, contains antibodies which help protect babies against infections and tummy upsets. Breastfeeding helps you return back to your normal weight after birth by using up the fat stored in pregnancy.  Breastfeeding also helps build a special bond between a mother and her baby.  The best part, it’s available at all times and it’s free!!   There are many different groups such as Cuidiú and La Leche League that can offer support to mothers on their breastfeeding journey.

2)    Relax and enjoy every moment with your new little baby.  Let family and friends help you out as much as they can in the first few weeks. Take as many naps as possible.  If baby is sleeping, it’s a great way to catch up on your own sleep.

3)    Get involved in parent baby groups.  Meeting other parents is such a great way to make new friends with other small children.

4)    Go for walks and get plenty of time outdoors.  The fresh air usually relaxes babies and helps them sleep for longer periods of time.

5)    Go with your instincts.  If you feel something isn’t right with your baby visit your G.P. and get appropriate help from the right healthcare professional.

We’d just like to thank Nicole for her helpful advice and tips and if you would like to chat to Nicole about breastfeeding, then you can contact her at nstepan[@] (remember to remove the brackets).

A word from Dr Ben

‘The health of a newborn is so important, as, for the first six months of life, they are completely dependent on you. Any small habit changes are tell-tale signs that something is wrong, and of course, C-Section or forceps-assisted births are always more susceptible to birth trauma’.

If you wish to discuss your concerns with Dr Ben, then give us a call and bring your baby along to the office. We’re always available on 021 487 8465.

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Picture of Ben
Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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