Neck Pain

There are a number of structures that may be involved for neck pain to occur. The facet joint, on the back of the vertebra, is a nerve-rich area which can cause painful symptoms in the neck, if the interlocking joints are not moving correctly.

The disc between the vertebra can also be a source of neck and back pain. The disc acts not only as a spacer between the spinal bones, but also as a shock absorber. Trauma can cause the soft middle of the disc to bulge or herniate, putting pressure on the nearby nerves.

How can Chiropractic care help neck pain relief?

Chiropractic care focuses on correcting the underlying cause of the problem rather than just addressing the symptoms. A Chiropractor will locate the areas of the spine that are not moving properly which cause neck pain. If subluxations are detected, our aim is to correct these through a series of gentle adjustments and help relieve neck pain.

At Optimal Chiropractic, we use a clever device called an Activator, which is a low-force instrument that will accurately correct the source of pain.

Read testimonials from other neck pain sufferers. We also have a selection of testimonial videos for you to watch.

Read about other common complaints and how Chiropractic care can reduce and relieve symptoms for headaches & migraines and Arthritis.

Your next step for neck pain relief

If you are experiencing neck pain, contact Optimal Chiropractic in Cork for an appointment to discuss techniques and steps in assisting neck pain relief.

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