Even newborn babies can be bent out of shape

It always surprises clients in my office when they see newborns being adjusted. Age or injuries aren’t the only reason behind the need for a Chiropractor. All newborns can benefit from Chiropractic care.

Due to the trauma involved in the birthing process, small misalignments may occur in the spine of a new born. This stress to the nervous system can result in poor sleep patterns, poor feeding patterns, colic, chronic coughs and chest infections, ear infections and general poor immunity.

How do I know if my baby needs to see a Chiropractor?

The tell-tale signs are:

  • Poor sleep patterns
  • Long bouts of crying that cannot be pacified
  • Poor immune system

What a Chiropractor will do

Babies are delicate and a Chiropractor will treat the newborn like a piece of expensive glass. Your baby is placed on the chest of the parent, while they lie on their back, facing them while l gently works my fingers up and down the spine, adjusting the appropriate areas. Generally I don’t adjust more than one or two areas at a time on babies as the ‘less is more’ approach seems to work best.

A word from Dr Ben

‘It’s understandable that you would be worried about taking your newborn to see a Chiropractor. I’ve worked with just as many newborns as I have adults, and it is a matter of adjusting the method to suit the tiny frame and delicate body. It’s completely painless for the child.’

If your newborn is experiencing any of the tell-tale signs above, then give us a call and bring your baby along to the office. We’re always available on 021 487 8465.

2 responses

  1. After reading your blog i realize that chiropractic care is much more important for the newborn babies so they will not have any pain in the body in their future. Thanks a lot for sharing this awesome blog hope to see the next update soon.

  2. You’re welcome ‘Sydney Sports Chiropractor’. People of all ages can benefit from Chiropractic care, especially newborns.

    Dr Ben

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Picture of Ben
Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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