
ADHD Children Benefit from Chiropractic Care

We all need a helping hand in our lives, and if you have a child suffering from ADHD or a similar learning disorder, then no doubt you will welcome that helping hand much more.

We’ve seen a number of children suffering from learning disorders at the clinic. We’ve spent many hours  conducting specialist talks on special needs and learning disabilities for children – in fact, it’s something that we are quite passionate about.

Why? Quite simply; because these are the children that need our help the most.adhd-children-and-chiropractic

If you have a child that suffers from Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or a learning disorder, then you will be all too aware of the deliberating effects that this can have. You will also know that the only way to quell that suffering (for you and your family) is to give your child something to calm them. In most cases this is a drug that your local GP will recommend.

At Optimal Chiropractic, we are firm believers that our health can be managed by a natural aid. We support this philosophy, we act on this philosophy and we have treated hundreds of patients each year with this approach.  Year after year we see a surge of success with children of all ages and especially those with learning issues.

ADHD : The science part

Motor activity (postural muscles) assists in brain function and activity. Anything affecting postural muscles will influence brain development. In short, what affects the body, affects the brain. This is severe in children with ADAH, so when a Chiropractor re-balances the body, the brain is also balanced. The outcome: a calmer child.

A word from Dr Ben

‘When you are a parent and your child is suffering, you automatically turn to your GP, which is natural. It does mean a lifetime or childhood of medication, and that’s something we strive to avoid. Our success in this area has been great and we urge you to try it and see the effects for yourself.’

If you have a child that suffers from ADHD or a similar learning disorder, then bring them to the clinic. We’re always available on 021 487 8465.

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Picture of Ben
Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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