
Optimal Team take trip to Barcelona

We attended the ChiroEurope conference in Barcelona from 22 to 24 November. It was 3 days of pure principled, vitalistic chiropractic! The seminar revolved around the principles of chiropractic and the profession in its simplest form. In other words it was about healing, vitality and health, not just getting rid of back pain. This is something I really want to get across better in the office over the coming months and we have loads planned for this including special talks!
There is no other meeting that comes close to the energy and community being generated at ChiroEurope. And it lived up to all our expectations!

There were about 10 speakers, each with a one hour slot. They were from all over the world, Spain, US, Canada, Puerto Rico. We all agreed that they were all really uplifting and energising.

I was delighted to have Chris, Dannielle and Siobhan with me for company but of course we missed Mary who had a family wedding so couldn’t join us. Overall, the trip to Barcelona was amazing. We had long days but it was worth it! It all started as soon as we landed on Friday morning and it didn’t finish until 11pm that night! Saturday started at 10am and again finished at 11pm that night too. The conference finished up around midday on Sunday so we took some time to chill out and relax.

We’re looking forward to implementing some new ideas we picked up from our trip – watch this space!

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Picture of Ben
Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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