Good and bad fats: the facts

It might interest you to know that the role of a chiropractor is not just limited to checking and improving back problems. The role of a chiropractor is much more complex as it centres around total wellness. In short, we believe that a healthy balanced life has a great deal to do with the body’s ability to function normally.

Part of a person’s wellness is dependant of what they eat, which is why we are so focused on food health and nutrition. Our bodies need the three basic food groups – carbohydrates (energy), proteins (muscle) and fat (regulating), and ideally we should have each in every meal.

But how much fat should we consume and which fats are bad or good for us?

This image shows the classification of fats. As you can see saturated fat found in chips, biscuits and pastry should be kept to the barest minimum. Good fats like fish oils and nuts (mono unsaturated) are much better for our bodies.

Why are saturated fats bad?

Saturated fats affect the likelihood of heart attacks, strokes and similar as they increase cholesterol in the blood.

What about good fats

Good fats found in fish and nuts reduce inflammation, lubricate joints and keep skin and hair healthy.

A word from Dr Ben

‘Stay healthy, avoid those saturated fats, but make sure you include fat in your diet. Eat plenty of lovely fresh fish and nuts. If you can, add fruit and nuts to your morning bowl of cereal and make yourself a tuna or salmon salad for lunch.’

Our philosophy is all about wellness, so when visiting, ask us about leading a healthier lifestyle while we take care of your back and neck pain. We’re always available on 021 487 8465.

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Picture of Ben
Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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